The faceless entities that consist of Gaerea unleash their third magnum Opus, the malevolent beast that is Mirage. An album that sees the Portuguese act further pursue the depths of darkness whilst rising to the summit of the genre.
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An album tempered only by its savagery and moments of pure beauty, Mirage is a complete undertaking of uncertainty, anger, and introspection. From the opening moments of ‘’Salve’’ Gaerea are direct in their undertaking of the human condition. It is the terror of the real, more horrifying than any story or myth.
Boasting a massive production that allows their music to ensnarl you. Nothing can prepare you for the inundation that is ‘’Deluge’’ with its riffs and assault on the senses, ‘’Arson” is the flame of self-destruction tempered only by moments of beautiful regret before everything is rendered ash. The abyss that is ‘’Mantle,” and the undeniable strength that is ‘’Laude.” They Gaerea and ultimately us.
The reflection of the Bonus track ‘’Dormant’’ ends the record and demands it to be restarted. Gaerea is pure strength, their cathartic Black metal a cleansing release, haunting and commanding without being accusatory. This is extreme music with moments of blinding speed, tremolo, and acoustic all sourced from the emotions created within. It is immediate yet contains incredible depth, it is a glorious mosaic of at times pure metal alleviated by melody and deep thought.
A showcase of human isolation and the strained vocals reflect this perfectly.
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The dissonance is offset by the orchestration of the arrangements and excellent rhythms. The title track is a soul-stirring masterpiece. A defining statement in extreme metal Mirage is simply superb.
Gaerea: Facebook
Release Year: 2022
Label: Season of Mist
Category: Album
Country: Portugal
Reviewed by Sparky