Alienist – Love/Hate (EP Review)

Release Date: March 01st 2024 - UNFD

Alienist - Love/Hate

Wollongong five-piece Alienist bring a slight industrial touch to their metalcore sound. As if some of the output of the Port Kembla smokestacks has seeped into their sound. The Love/Hate deals with love, hate and everything in between through pulsating rhythms as well as soaring choruses.

Singer Damon Renes says, “The EP explores relationships with religion, but it also explores toxic relationships and abusive relationships and the falling apart of relationships that you think were going to be your “forever”, and what it feels like when you realise that that’s not going to be the case.”

The final track “Prisoner of You” was released as the band’s welcoming to the world of being signed to UNFD, combining the gruff vocals alongside the cleaner vocals. The group cites bands such as I Prevail and Northlane as key influences. The last time I visited Wollongong I went to see The Amity Affliction and I imagine all of the members were there taking notes.

Alienist take their name from an old name for psychiatry, rather than any particular theories regarding aliens in our current world. The EP provides some strong breakdowns and an even balance between screamed statements and catchy choruses.

“Absent” is a clear highlight track, showing off the balance between screaming and singing, while bringing back the Love/Hate theme of the release – “You’re the one I used to run to, now I’m sick of running from you.”

After a few listens I’ve become more impressed with this release. Many of the recent Australian metalcore releases sound very similar, but this band has forged their way on their own path and I look forward to hearing more from them.

Alienist: Facebook

Release Year: 2024
Label: UNFD
Category: EP
Country: Australia

Reviewed by Daniel Boyle