Black Birch – Black Birch (EP Review)

Release Date: September 01st 2023 - Vita Detestabilis Records

Black Birch - Black Birch

The South Sweden duo of Gina Wiklund and Ulf Blomberg represents the individual. The constant struggle against a system that crushes free thought and an alternative to the modern ‘’standard’’. Accepting the circle of life and the collective impact on the ecosystem.

, EP 2023 is their first release after several singles that began appearing in January 2023

Able to combine the atmosphere with crust and pure black metal fury, Black Birch is a fierce, uncontrollable spirit representing true anger and contempt. It is defiant, unafraid to express reality and intelligently with intensity and passion.

The atmosphere is tangible, claustrophobic, and downright vitriolic across the four-track sequence of “Fallen “, “Death “, “Soil “, and “Birth “.  Gina’s vocals and guitar are the one-two violent attack that is bolstered by Ulf’s impressive percussive assault and assistance on the guitar. It is unified and intensely brief from the abyss that is the supremely powerful “Fallen” through to the positivity of ‘’Birth”’ with its softer side against the maelstrom of the proceeding despair and anguish. The secret subtleties of ‘’Death’’ and its mid-paced dynamics are a highlight, ‘’Soil’’ with its barren sparse beginnings, reflect the authenticity and the horror of the real and inevitability.

Black Birch stands accusatory yet self-aware. It is an inflammatory thought inciting release that defies the standard yet revels in its modern sounds, textures, and approach.

Despairing yet not without hope. It is deranged, gloriously heavy and wonderfully atmospheric. At times breathtaking, it’s a staggering debut.

Black Birch: Facebook

Release Year: 2023
Label: Vita Detestabilis Records
Category: EP
Country: Sweden

Reviewed by Sparky