Cannibal Corpse needs no introduction, they are at the heart of death metal history, and have numerous albums under their belts to more than prove their worldwide recognition. Their 15th album Violence Unimagined is a testament to their worthiness as one of the best death metal bands in history.
The album starts with thundering beats and the unmistakable groove in “Murderous Rampage” that has served them well over the years. The vocal timing fits into the groove impeccably and Corpsegrinder shows his expertise by making certain phrases stand out with clarity to leave you in no doubt of the intent of the lyrics.
The addition of Erik Rutan in the lineup seems to have injected a certain vitality into the mix which compliments the rest of the band perfectly.
The album has a range of blistering solos, heavy and ferocious riffs, savage vocals with precision timing, spread across the entire album. The only thing that tops those ingredients is the change to slightly slower and heavier riffs in parts which provides an uncontrollable urge to start windmilling.
Having experienced Cannibal Corpse live several times, this leads me to imagine how brutal this album will be (pardon the pun) ‘in the flesh’. This is definitely the best release from Cannibal Corpse in some years and gives an overarching representation of the band’s 3 decades of brutality.
Violence Unimagined offers something for the die-hard Cannibal Corpse fans, reaching deep into the bowels of their back catalogue to pull forth the ruthlessness of such classics as Eaten back to Life, Butchered at Birth and The Bleeding whilst providing an offering that will appeal to virgin ears.
In its entirety, a massive and relentless album that does not disappoint!
Although it is difficult to choose just one the standout track for me is “Inhumane Harvest”. I will be waiting with anticipation for the opportunity to see some of these tracks live!
Cannibal Corpse: Facebook
Release Year: 2021
Label: Metal Blade
Category: Album
Country: USA
Reviewed by ForsakenMisery