Dargor – Ascend to Infinity (Album Review)

Release Date: February 01st 2023 - Meuse Music Records

Dargor – Ascend to Infinity

Poland’s Dargor unveiled their debut album Ascend to Infinity that whilst it is uncompromising black metal that you would expect from the region, it is also very melodic and touches on the symphonic combined with the aggression.

Ascend to Infinity has more in common with mid-eighties pure underground metal than is obviously apparent.

The pace is purely mid-tempo, which allows the tracks to breathe and flex with their hidden touches of gothic, doom, and downright stomping metal!

It is a more positive album with juxtaposing damning themes, which allows some of the keyboards and melodies more time to be an intrinsic part of the song rather than just textures, resulting in an album that is equal parts heaviness and energy.

‘’ Waste What Was Given’’ pounds with a great raw riff and multiple intentions with a beautiful piano coda, whilst ‘’ Inner Distant Universes’’ is a more symphonic offering where the guitar hits the keyboard heights with a great solo that touches upon the ethereal before the percussion brings back from the heavens with intent. ‘’Morals Redefined” has another great riff that reflects the band’s ideology on the meaningless of our existence and its negativity, and “Before We Die” is just great Blackened metal with a huge symphonic bridge and tortured vocals.

Uncompromising and honest with a deft touch, Ascend to Infinity is a surprising offering where it isn’t trying to rip your face off with downright speed but rather a bludgeoning mid-pace attack that leaves an indelible impression and with some great atmospheric moments combined with its raw aggression make them a band to watch out for.

Dargor: Facebook

Release Year: 2023
Label: Meuse Music Records
Category: Album
Country: Poland

Reviewed by Sparky