Darkthrone – It Beckons Us All (Album Review)

Release Date: JApril 26th 2024 - Peaceville

Darkthrone – It Beckons Us All

The ever-surprising and prolific Darkthrone have surprised everyone with another new release. It Beckons Us All has arrived unannounced in its purely unique fashion and continues its progression /regression to the true beginnings of extreme metal.

Unreliant on the iconic status of Norwegian black metal royalty, your liking for this album will truly depend on which era of Darkthrone you enjoy, and honestly there are a lot, whether it be the death metal years, the famous black metal era, the punk-infused 2000s or their journey through the annuals of the history of metal. After more than twenty full-lengths, the duo of Fenriz and Nocturno Culto, continue to create music that they like with disregard for the adulation and expectations that surround them.

What is ‘’It beckons Us all…”” then? It is more than a homage to Hellhammer and Celtic Frost, it is a hail to the beginnings of true extreme metal that vocally carries more than just the annotations of the godfather of extreme Tom G warrior. Album highlights “Black Dawn Affiliation” and “The Lone Pines of the Lost Planet,” shine when Darkthrone merge their riffs with history. Some of the riffs are so damn good and epic especially when they venture into doom territory, “Eon 3,” shines with a Mercyful Fate infused style that reflects the duos evolving vocal efforts. It is an album that is as warm and inviting as a sweaty leather vest at the end of gig. But it does also have some moments where you think is this too much nostalgia when the originators did it better? And whilst the “The Heavy Hand” starts out epic it becomes a meandering slog.

Epic yet lifeless and almost workmanlike in places as it is inspired and interesting. Are three new albums and four releases in three years too much? Darkthrone has become a band that is almost possible to critique objectively, they have a rabid fanbase that will consume their every sonic moment and a reputation that cannot be criticized. It Beckons Us All… is probably the greatest moment of their traditional metal era. But greatest overall? that’s a discussion over a turntable and raised horns…

Darkthrone: Facebook

Release Year: 2024
Label: Peaceville
Category: Album
Country: Norway

Reviewed by Sparky