Dødsferd is an act that is immediately recognizable in the underground. Their output is staggering with eleven full-length releases and countless splits, collaborations, and EPS since the Greek’s inception in 2006. The duo of Wrath and Neptunus return with their twelfth full-length offering to the black metal hordes. Wrath is an album that celebrates everything darkness eschewing the experimental notions, and depressive leanings of recent years.
Pure unadulterated second-wave infused black metal that revels in its blasphemy and celebrates its misanthropy to the masses and narrow-minded, It is a glorious return to their older sound that Dodsfred excels in. Speed and manic riffing combined with an ear for melody and dynamics make “Spiritual Lethargy” instantly memorable, yet it is the epic ‘’ Raging Lust of Creation’’ and ‘’ Failure Ablaze in Your Existence’’ that are true highlights, pure, effective with great leads that belly the tracks lengthy run times, blistering in their zeal and energy, the DSBM influence is gone ( yet there is a bonus track “Back to my Homeland…A Beast in Calm,” lurking on some variants that is a DSBM nightmare). Dodsfreds indictment of corruption and the consequence of capitalism are visceral in their intensity, Wrath’s vocals are accusatory, condemning and ultimately scathing of the world Dodsfred inhabit but does not belong to.
Wrath heralds a return to the nineties Norwegian style that is innately confident and coherent. Dødsferd has delivered an assault on the senses that whilst being instantly recognizable, it is fresh and burns brightly with its passionate hatred. Raw and bristling with a bleak atmosphere that is brittle and unforgiving Wrath is the perfect black metal record for those seeking untainted aggression.
Dødsferd: N/A
Release Year: 2024
Label: Hypnotic Dirge Records
Category: Album
Country: Greece
Reviewed by Sparky