An act that always courted controversy from their inception in 1995 is German horror gothic outfit Eisregen. Originally black metal their previous albums “Farbenfinsternis” and “Wundwasser” are on the dreaded ‘’Index List A’’ in Germany, not only banned from sale but also performed live in their homeland to minors. And to be all inclusive albums “Krebskolonie” and “Fleischfestival” are on’ ’Index List B’’ which means they are not for sale or to performed for adults due to depictions of inhumanity and violence! Unperturbed the macabre outfit has proven to be unstoppable releasing their seventeenth Album, the combination of death and darkened modern rock Abart!
From Album opener “Am Abgrund” and its story of mankind’s imminent extinction. Abart is the evolutionary follow-up to “Grenzgänger”; the tempo is upbeat and the hooks are full of memorable melodies. Solemn subject matter aside Abart floats in between genres of deathened rock and gothic with a recognizable industrial edge thanks to the familiar vocal style of M. Roth sung in their native tongue as on the inexorable ‘’Schmutzliebe’’with its slower tempo and deft keyboards. The album closer ‘’Totkörperkunst’’ is a ten minute plus exploration with a keyboard melody refrain that is instantly memorable ad lingers long after it’s finished. The first single ‘’ “Schmutzliebe” is their heaviest fastest moment, yet has a catchy chorus and sharp riffing that is definitive of the band’s current style, whilst the viola re-appears on the ‘’ Dem Menschsein so fern’’ that merges a differing vocal styles against modern metal.
Their infamous crueller edge along with their black metal leanings may have all disappeared but the ice rain of their namesake remains in the cold riffing and the clinical delivery of their chorus’ and melody. It may not be overtly original but its gothic, harder rock edge is slick and polished and for fans, the Thuringian masters of the macabre have created an album that walks its own unrepentant path.
Eisregen: Facebook
Release Year: 2024
Label: Massacre Records
Category: Album
Country: Germany
Reviewed by Sparky