Vargtimman is the hour of the wolf. A time when it is believed most births and deaths occur, full of celebration yet despair, grief, and joy it is the perfect title for Ereb Altor’s latest offering an epic journey through the cycle of life.
Nine full-length albums in and this Swedish act continue to evolve and develop their Norse-styled black metal in multiple languages and traditions.
Vargtimman is epic. Hugely Epic. Alvablot (Sacrifice) and Fenris (wolf) soar high above the earth with their rousing vocal lines and fantastic guitar work, this conjures Bathory’s finest moments with excellent cinematic scope, earthly folk elements, and a feeling of genuine love and authenticity towards their music.
An Emotive work the vocals range from epic clean singing to the darkest of growls, Vargtimman is an atmospheric journey that evokes, invigorates, and uplifts the spirit, they deliver their tales flawlessly and with some excellent musicianship and guitar work. Rise Of the Destroyer is simply heavy whilst the title track and ‘’I Have the Sky’’ are fire and passion.
Ereb Altor is compelling within a genre that is finding itself becoming restricted by the sheer weight of rules and expectation,’’ Heimdales Horn’’ delivers on everything.
Vargtimman is not just an excellent pagan black metal record, it is also a fantastic Metal record! The riff to ‘’Ner I Morkret’’ is staggering, whilst Ereb Altor may never be able to fully break the shackles of the endless Bathory comparisons, their music is transcendent tangible, and unforgettable.
Ereb Altor: Facebook
Release Year: 2021
Label: Hammerheart Records
Category: Album
Country: Greece
Reviewed by Sparky