Felonie – De Sève et de Sang (Album Review)

Release Date: October 13th 2023 - Aural Music / Code666

Felonie - de seve et de sang

Steeped in the rich history and folklore of native Switzerland ‘’ de seve et de sang’’ is the debut release of Feloinie or, more importantly, that of Marc Bourban (Tyrmfar and Wizards of Wiznan) a unique solo creation steeped in atmospheric black metal within strong neo folk and synth flourishes.

Translated into Sap and blood from the building crescendo that is the opener’ Sedunum Invictus’’ this is black metal infused with large doses of atmosphere and melody created by the continuous evolution of the rhythms and riffing. The melody serves as the intro to ‘’ Ce que c’est que la mort’’ is quant and beautiful before it delves into the inevitable fury within. ‘’ La garde de ger’’ crosses the boundary between the traditional and the more modern, the main riff huge and chant-like, evocative of the power and heritage behind it. The vocals roar with power and inflection yet “Du Haut de l’Echafaud,” offers so much more. Its shades and tones of darkness and light are combined with some excellent guitar melodies, its length only strengthening the experience that becomes immersive and introspective.

de seve et de sang’’ is not your traditional atmospheric black metal record.‘’ Pax Romana – Pax Dissueta’’ is a stomping pure metal number that runs both hot and cold. There are elements of doom that also it make it an incredibly well-versed metal record. ‘’ “Tueuse d’Etoile” is the excellent closer and companion to ‘’Sedunum Invictus’’ with a fantastic, uplifting riff ‘full of grandeur and visually creating patterns.

Incredibly confident and assured,‘’ de seve et de sang’’ offers a complete listening experience rich in texture and ambition. An Album full of great ideas that at times borders on excellence, Felonie are destined for greater things.

Felonie: Facebook

Release Year: 2023
Label: Aural Music / Code666
Category: Album
Country: Switzerland

Reviewed by Sparky