Idle Ruin – The Fell Tyrant (Extended Edition Double CD Review)

Release Date: June 30th 2023 - Independent

IDLE RUIN - The Fell Tyrant

From their debut self-titled release in 2020, the prolific, productive trio from Brisbane Idle Ruin have been malevolently creating their savagery of death/ thrash metal. Released earlier this year, their Debut Album’’ The Fell Tyrant’’ is now available as a deluxe two-disc edition that includes “Live Bootleg’’.

Upon its release, The Fell Tyrant made jaws drop and necks crack with intensity and ferocity. Utterly committed to its craft, six months later ‘’ Sycophant’’ is still utterly brutal with its magnificent riff whilst ‘’Orbitoclast’’ is the nigh perfect combination of death and thrash metal, subversive, inherently violent yet not without its memorable riffs.

  Every track is unified by vehemence and vitriol. Even when the speed drops, the title track ‘’The Fell Tyrant’’ stomps over the weak with a vengeance and unhinged solos.

Whilst ‘’Cult of Dominion’ is filled with old school mania, unhinged in its fury and high-speed race to self-destruction with deranged bass lines.  Album closer ‘’ ‘Ekul 316’ perfectly captures all that came before with some ominous acoustic codas.

The second disc (Live Bootleg) is a must-have for those who haven’t experienced the punishment that is ‘’Whipped to Death’’ live. The high-speed aggression and energy that is Idle Ruin proves that the debut album reflects what this band is capable of. ‘’Valley Inferno” is a high-speed thrash inspired by four minutes of intensity that doesn’t pause for breath. The combination of ‘’Spiritual Contagion” and ‘’ Delta Hexatoxin’’are seamless displays of speed and sweat-inducing aggro that is felt in the chest that leaves the ears ringing. The sound is clear yet raw, perfectly capturing excellent musicianship and the ever-present vitriol that is the throat of Liam Anthony.

As a double disc, The Fell Tyrant is an essential purchase of a fantastic debut album that reeks of class and darkened manifestations. Idle Ruin offers no Mercy with their death thrash fury that leaves a lasting impression and indelible mark upon the listener. Merciless and without respite, the live bootleg is further proof of their musical muscle and that Idle Ruin is an unhinged force of nature to be reckoned with.

Idle Ruin: Facebook

Release Year: 2023
Label: self-release
Category: Album
Country: Australia

Reviewed by Sparky