Night Shall Drape Us Hail “The Queen of the Red Streams”


Night Shall Drape Us came together from corners of the Nordic underground, bound by bonds of blood and spirit, to create traditional black metal executed to perfection. Their second offering from their upcoming debut album is dedicated to the intoxicating Goddess of time and death.

“The Queen of the Red Streams” is a tithe to the Nordic black metal of the ’90s. Opening with what promises to be their signature-style melodic riff interplay with blast beats, the song wanes into a haunting acoustic melody before waxing back under the echoing calls of the lunatic choir.

The relentless drums drive the song forward through a guitar solo that’s just long enough to catch your breath, then push ever closer to the altar of the dark mother, who awaits her bloody work. “The Queen of the Red Streams” lures you in and then drags you away with its force of inevitable inertia.

“We traverse the arteries of timeless tunnels towards the illusory veil of life and death” says Night Shall Drape Us. “Mesmerized by the eternal dance, we submit our lives to cross the veil. She shall reap all that is false and set us free.”