Zarraza – Rotten Remains (EP Review)

Zarraza - Rotten Remains

I can’t think of another metal band that is from Kazakhstan, so Zarraza might be my first! And I must say, I wasn’t disappointed with their release Rotten Remains. Considering this release is a re-recording of older tracks to pay homage to past members, this collection stands up as a modern triumph.

There is a cacophony of different genres in this release – probably due to the tracks being written over many years. The track Zombie Kids is pure technical death metal, and it’s damn accurate and strong. Other tracks, such as Bulldozer or wrong Song seem almost influenced by 90s Nu Metal. It’s a great marriage of how metal has evolved over time. Performance-wise, it is quite impeccable. There the drums are expertly executed, the guitars employ a range of different methods to create some interesting sounds (harmonics and such) and the voice sits in the mix well. Overall, nothing sounds out of place and the mix is to be celebrated.

But the real appeal of this release is the extra elements in each of the tracks, the spoken voices; the violins presented in a sickly way, the sounds of instruments you can’t quite put your finger on. This is the lasting stuff that I will take on when talking about Zarraza.
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An interesting blend and add to the metal genre. Suitable for those who bash pots and pans more for their timbre than to annoy the neighbours.

Release Year: 2019
Label: self-released
Category: EP
Country: Kazakhstan

Reviewed by Liam Frost-Camilleri