Rituals – Invicta (EP Review)

Rituals have an old school aggressive Death style with melodic elements, creating a tense emotion-filled atmosphere. There is a tastefulness in the muddy black metal influences amongst the melodic brooding death sound across this 6 minute and 18 second EP.

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Invicta was released back in August 2020 as a digital download and a 7inch from Sleeping Church Records.

The vocals are clear throughout the recording, allowing the harsh vocal style to project articulated growls. The guitars are written to build momentum and form feelings of anguish with brutal riffing and repetition. The bass is dropped into the background, yet hints of the mellow and deep tones are there.

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While the performance of the drumming is well-executed there is a downside. The drumming lacks inspiration. This lacklustre comes in the form of the written drumming parts absence of character.

The production feels like an underground small studio job, which is fitting for this EP and musical style. Rituals songs are punchy and hit all the right spots, yet they are cut short. As Rituals are capable of writing some intricate and tasty riffs as displayed throughout Insect and Oracle, but with much regret, I was left wanting more.

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I rate Invicta by Rituals 3.5 out of 5 roos, but instead of roos’ let’s make that 3.5 death moth chrysalis’s, as while they have a promising sound, they are clearly in a developmental phase.

Rituals: Facebook

Release Year: 2020
Label: Sleeping Church Records
Category: EP
Country: Australia

Reviewed by Alex