Sensory Amusia’s new EP ‘Bereavement’ is short, fast and brutal. Bereavement is the band’s second extended-release in as many years, both of which follow the 2013 full-length album – which is brilliant by the way – Disrepair. You can check out the whole Bereavement EP HERE!
Bereavement is a five-track EP. Track one is an introduction that sets a good pace for the rest of the EP.
Track two is Death. This is my favourite track on the EP. The riffs are hard-hitting, the drumming is fast and the track just strikes that ‘death metal sound’, there is no way to really explain what that is, you can check out Death HERE.
Track three is Beast which highlights the incredibly diverse vocal range of Jei Doublerice. The vocals were so clear and articulate yet gutturally brutal that I was reminded of moments from The Black Dahlia Murder’s album ‘Into the Everblack’. Track four is Pain, a track that really shows that Sensory Amusia is prepared to experiment with their sound. The final track on the EP is Absolute. This final track left me wishing that Bereavement wouldn’t end.
Taken as a whole, Bereavement is a really solid EP. Sensory Amusia has found a sound that is working well for them. I for one would love to hear more and my only criticism is that this is only a sample – perhaps a full album is on the cards soon! This EP is for fans of Ordinance’s ‘The Ides of March’ and The Black Dahlia Murder.
Looking forward to hearing more.
Sensory Amusia: Facebook
Release Year: 2020
Label: Lacerated Enemy Records
Category: EP
Country: Australia
Reviewed by Sam