Theandric – Flight Among The Tombs (EP Review)

Release Date: February 11th 2022 - Indepandent

Theandric - Flight Among The Tombs

Theandric is a heavy metal band from the USA formed in 2006 releasing their debut E.P. ‘Up The Irons’ in 2011, featuring the band’s epic eighteen-minute hymn to Iron Maiden – a terrific tribute to the metal legends, I suggest you seek it out and give it a listen. You won’t be disappointed. Theandric’s debut full-length album ‘The Door Of Faith’ was released in 2013 and is over an hour of traditional, and progressive metal. The band’s second E.P. ‘Flight Among The Tombs’ was released in 2022…

…featuring four songs over an incredible twenty-seven-minute run time! The band’s root sound of traditional metal is blended with elements of thrash, prog, and doom, offering such a wide listening experience, that it’s gonna take a couple of listens to fully grasp the majestic magical metal mastery on show.

The shortest song on offer, at just twelve seconds shy of six minutes in length – the title song ‘Flight Among The Tombs’, is brought to life with an exquisite short keyboard passage, before thundering into life, building a crescendo of hard-hitting riffs and melodies. The atmosphere is epic and tension-laden, melodic and infectious, and will have you hooked from start to finish.
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And that can also be said for the other three songs on offer, each one chiming in at over six minutes in length – the final song, breaching the seven-minute mark!

‘The Battle Of Sherramuir’ continues the E.P. and quickly builds an epic storytelling vibe, and a feeling like I’m sat in a massive auditorium with surround sound equipment filling every corner of the room with the band’s glorious delivery, performance, musicianship – I just couldn’t decide which word to use, so I used all three! Now imagine an Iron Maiden merger with Black Sabbath and a massive dose of prog metal! And that’s exactly what you get with ‘Condemned To Death’ – featuring the epic ‘Maiden storytelling swagger and the heavy doom-laden riffs of ‘Sabbath.

Bringing the E.P. to a close is the showstopper ‘Ozymandias’, a heavier yet nonetheless infectious, bold, and majestic swagger. ‘Ozymandias’ is the band’s interpretation of the sonnet Ozymandias, written by English Romantic poet Percy Bysshe Shelley. The sonnet was first published in the weekly paper The Examiner in January 1818 – and two hundred and four years later, Theandric give it a theatrical makeover, that would surely receive a standing ovation in theatres all over the world.

Overall, an infectious march of traditional metal blended with prog and doom to carve out an epic and tension-laden atmosphere.
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Flight Among The Tombs
The Battle Of Sherramuir
Condemned To Death

Theandric: Facebook

Release Year: 2022
Label: self-released
Category: EP
Country: USA

Reviewed by Iron Mathew for Frenzy Fire, and Metal-Roos.