Toronto, Canada’s My Hollow has a new EP coming out entitled “Fighting The Monsters“, which they are anxious to release upon the world next year. Taking inspiration from modern death metal bands, they are continuously evolving and this next release from them is no exception.
My Hollow last released an album in 2015 and since then have grown exponentially, culminating into a 25 minute, five-track EP that is, by far, some of the heaviest music they have ever written, and to take it a step further, they have added keyboards for the first time on a recording. While this addition may alienate some of the more hard-headed and traditional metal listeners, others will see it as a welcome breath of fresh air. The band explains the album in their own words:
“We want to give listeners a hard-hitting product that keeps them wanting more. We really focused on bringing our new sound into this album but still worked to keep some old-school elements of what had been true to our sound in the past. In terms of overall listening experience, we hadn’t focused on the album as a whole as an experience, however, we take great pride in structuring our songs in an unconventional way that makes the individual songs more interesting and less formulaic. We hope that the listener can extract their own joy from each individual song.”
For My Hollow, the songs sometimes come together very easily as if they were writing themselves and other times, they need to be put together like a broken puzzle. The process is never the same as every song is unique. The lyrics are written after the music and for this EP, the main inspiration was drawn from battles, whether those battles be internal or as an outsider looking in. The main focus for each song was to have its struggle and perseverance, its own battle, and its own victory.
“Fighting The Monsters” was mixed and mastered by Tyler Williams at Monolithic Productions and the artwork was done by Jennifer White. It is recommended listening for fans of Chimaira, Gojira, and Lamb of God.
“Fighting The Monsters” is slated for release in Spring 2022 and a taste of what’s to come can be heard at the following teaser shared by the band.