Nice melodic riffs, strong bass lines, power riffs that underlay the rhythmic strong drums.
Deathwhite’s new album Grave Image is definitely one of those “take you for a journey” kind of albums. The powerful stance of the music with the soft vocals is a really strong blend and I feel the band is well within their comfort zone with this album. It’s that somewhat similar to the later day Tiamat sound. On that note though, it is actually a more complex and well more defined and crafted album.
The clean strong vocal performance is definitely one of the high notes of the album. Well trained voice with a soft but Powerful touch to it. The voice alone is something of talent that’s for sure.
The bass section has its moments where it breaks through and steals the moment, nice Groove to it and character which helps blend all the different parts in a smooth way.
Guitars are rich with strong power and sweet melodies, a mix that’s made this album what it is. Has sections that really shine but other sections where it’s not afraid to scale back and let other instruments come in.
Drums with bursts of double kick and a surge of groove, the amount of time that has gone into the thought process of how the songs are structured, you can definitely tell the drummer has pulled apart from each song to recreate a unique drumline.
With an album like grave image, I am very interested to see how sound development goes with future releases. With such I widely open space to create within the genre the sky is the limit for Deathwhite.
Release Year: 2020
Label: Season of Mist
Category: Album
Country: USA
Reviewed by DK Kelly