Helsott – Will and The Witch (Album Review)

Release Date: May 20th 2022 - M-Theory Audio

Helsott - Will and the Witch

I Must admit I’m new to American pagan Metal, Helsott However are not ‘’Will and The Witch” is their third offering of this style that combines death metal with American traditional instrumentation, this is pure western without the dreaded ‘’country’’ element, that might seem light-hearted but I can assure you are not. It’s eclectic, experimental, and at times completely bonkers.

A concept album based on the fictional adventures of Billy the Kid, ‘’Will and the Witch” is a streamlined coherent affair that is surprisingly refreshing and honest.

As in most pagan music, this is stripped back to its essential primal nature and is more about the feeling and power rather than technical delivery, yet one listen to ‘’Independence Night” and its guest vocalist Tim ‘’Ripper’’ Owens also shows their hand in the powerful proficiency of their music. From the Beginnings of ‘’, I’ll Make Ya Famous’’ is a strong European-influenced vibe that carries some NWOBHM touches and European leanings. The guitars carry that American swagger whilst dappling with some maiden and then delving into some death metal that would make any fan of the truly heavy proud.

It’s not all metal though, the hand drums and flute add a deft touch to the banjo and fiddle, the epic ‘’Skin Out’’ is a salutation to the experimentation of atmospheric pagan metal, delivered with such honesty and power it reminds you of Ereb Altor with touches of Skyclad for passionate delivery and dynamics.

‘’Will and The Witch’’ is a genuine surprise on first listen, destroying expected notions and delivering an album that is not only refreshing and energetic but laden with depth and subtlety. It might be an American album, but the guests are many, and worldwide its influence is undeniable. Helsott has created a musical triumph instantly memorable on first listen, audacious, a little bit crazy, and definitely worth your ears!!

Helsott: Facebook

Release Year: 2022
Label: M-Theory Audio
Category: Album
Country: USA

Reviewed by Sparky