In the Allure by Moana is one of the best shoegazer albums I have heard. Truth be told I haven’t listened to many albums like this but I will henceforth. The album begins with the catchy yet haunting Smoke That Thunders. The second, third, fourth and fifth tracks are Dracula, The Cultess, Scarab and Sister Winter.
The album is an instrumental masterpiece.
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Each track is perfectly balanced. It is refreshing to hear a band that seeks to limit the ‘poppy’ and simplistic chorus in favour of a progressive and developmental sound. Track six, Blood Moon, does this particularly well. This track also exemplifies the diversity of the band’s vocalist.
The remaining tracks on the album are Feral Umbilical, E LIX A and Promise. This is a great album that can boast catchiness, creativity and brooding darkness.
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In the Allure by Moana is for fans of Deafheaven and Alcest.
Release Year: 2019
Label: Mysteria Maxima Music
Category: Album
Country: Australia
Reviewed by Sam Lehmann