INTERVIEW: Barney Greenway of Napalm Death shares tour stories from Australia & more

Interview by Andrew Massie

Napalm Death

NAPALM DEATH. One of the most influential and legendary acts in the history of heavy metal, and considered by all, as the fathers of grindcore. Over 40 years on and seventeen albums in, NAPALM DEATH are in no way, shape or form of slowing down.  As stated in their own words, silence sucks, noise is always the answer and they continue to create music that confronts, confounds and eviscerates in equal measure.

We speak to frontman Barney Greenway about their upcoming tour to Australia as he shares some stories from previous trips down under as well as the longevity of the band and the history of grindcore.


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Napalm Death Australia & NZ tour 2023