Likheim – Alt Skal Svinne Hen… (EP Review)

Release Date: May 30th 2022 - Underground Kvlt Records

Formed by vocalist Gretn, Likheim is the progression of Norwegian Black metal that is raw and uncompromising, cold and enveloped in darkness.

Likheim excels in the true Nordic style that is brutal and unwelcoming. The vocals delivered in the native tongue are taunting, vehement, and executed with some high-pitched screams that evoke the spirits. “Taakens Kall” and “Smerte” deliver the raw atmospheric black metal that one would command from such an approach, the riffs are unforgiving and jagged, the tremolo picking inspired and dynamic, this is heartfelt anguish that with the title track ‘’Alt Skal Svinne Hen…

’’  bring all the forces into uncontrollable life, the music reflecting baser desires and emotions presented intransigent, despising, and accusatory.

This Debut EP ‘’Alt Skal Svinne Hen…

’’  is unafraid to explore its themes of blood shame and sin. Likheim’s deft use of melody in some of the guitar solos along with some synth work adds to the texture and the depth of the music it is an accomplished debut effort singular in vision and devoted to the discovery of sanctuary.

Powerful yet all too brief, this enthralling yet unforgiving presentation of Black metal is a must for those whose spirit is restless and lost.

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Likheim and its music reflect the tortured being that is a man devoid of joy and yet yearning for something greater, hidden in the shadows. Recommended.

Likheim: Facebook

Release Year: 2022
Label: Underground Kvlt Records
Category: EP
Country: Norway

Reviewed by Sparky