Sodom, a German thrash outfit that formed in 1981 have had many line-up changes with only one surviving member, bass and vocalist Tom Angelripper.
Part of the German big 4 Kreator, Destructor and Tankard, Sodom are heavily linked with their British counterparts and founders of NWOBHM – Venom, Satan and Hell in style and lyrical content. Tom’s vocal style is the pivotal point and a constant essential in the development of the band and its satellite acts. When I was going through my THRASH stage around the mid-eighties, I was drawn to Kreator, Tankard, Sodom and Sabbat (as unlike their American counterparts) their albums were more experimental and story-driven, not just out and out THRASH. So, pulling out and dusting off the Sodom records was a nice and refreshing jaunt down memory lane for me. Back to days of ripped jeans, long hair and new leather jackets (I could never afford the white sneakers to finish the look and my jacket was a little too new looking to be cool).
Out of the Frontline Trench is the band’s latest EP and a continuation of the vast and interesting catalogue of 15 studio recordings, 3 live recordings, 7 EP’S and 2 compilations. As you can imagine keeping fresh and relevant with that much under their belt is going to be tough.
With 8 million records sold, they sit in the very exalted company (Iron Maiden, Judas Priest and Motorhead to name a few) and are one of the highest-selling metal bands in the world.
The EP is fresh and fast-paced, screaming at 28 minutes in length.
Comprising of three new tracks (Genesis XIX, Down on your Knees and Out of the Frontline Trench), a re-recording of Agent Orange, the title track from the most successful record of their early years (Agent Orange released in 1989 )and a live recording of Bomenhagel from their 1987 album Persecution Mania
You can see where this EP is heading as it is very heavy on war themes. It opens with Genesis XIX, followed by Down on your knees and then its title track Out of the Frontline Trench. To review this record honestly, I will have to say that the 3 new tracks whilst good old-fashioned METAL, I would not say that they have left any lasting impact on this reviewer.
The live recording of the giant and VERY German Bombenhagel mixes German nationalism with some of the heaviest THRASH you will ever hear – almost Wagner like (it is classic experimental early thrash at its best that just won’t leave the head).
Bombenhagel has got to be one of the greatest anti-war songs ever written (you can almost hear the bombers overhead and the panic in the streets that ensues as people scramble for shelter).
When I ask myself ‘would I buy this EP?’ the answer is YES. Agent Orange and Bombenhagel both move me on different levels. Agent Orange on a musical level and Bombenhagel on an emotional level. We have in these two tracks, very well written and thought out moments of GREAT music that will never fade into anonymity.
Go do yourself a favour and seek out this band’s back catalogue (and those of the bands I have mentioned before) and hear thrash in its purest form.
Release Year: 2019
Label: Steamhammer / SPV
Category: EP
Country: Germany
Reviewed by Tony Evans