Slaves Of Dissonance – Toxoplasmosis (EP Review)

Release Date: August 12th 2022 - Independent

Slaves Of Dissonance - Toxoplasmosis

Toxoplasmosis is an infection caused by a single-celled parasite called Toxoplasma gondii and much like Brisbane metal act Slaves of Dissonance it gets right under your skin and if you pick it, it won’t heal.

Slaves Of Dissonance deliver their modern metal with such intent that from the opening of ‘’Involuntary Lobotomy’’ that their vitriol along with their considerable musical strength is focused, uncompromising and unwilling to accept the exploitation of the individual.

Toxoplasmosis takes large groove-laden metal and merges it with the melodic death and technical to create their own.’’ Failure’’ is a monster track and “Breathe “indulges in a little bit of introspection before unleashing itself upon the listener, their hooks are huge, and the breakdowns are meant to incite maximum headbanging. The music is high energy, focused, and uncompromising in its modern metal aesthetic.

The five tracks feel all too brief as a testament to their destructive power.
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‘’ Panopticon City’’ and ‘’Toxoplasmosis’’ move with energy and force. As a debut release Toxoplasmosis takes all the extreme elements of metal and seamlessly combines them with the progressive, technical, and straight-up aggro that only bands fully committed to their craft can deliver. It is an impressive muscular debut.
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Slaves of Dissonance: Facebook

Release Year: 2022
Label: self-released
Category: EP
Country: Australia

Reviewed by Sparky