Divine Ascension – The Uncovering (Album Review)

With all of these bands looking to push the boundaries of metal, few ask the question, ‘what does the song need?’. And it’s an important question. We cannot continue to ignore the fact that music needs some sort of predictability or dependency at times. It is an expression that in a lot of ways tells a story, and Divine Ascension’s latest release The Uncovering has a lot of stories to tell.

The production value of this release is slick, and that is just the beginning. The guitar work is amazingly well suited to the tracks, drivingly basic when the song calls for it with room to be intricate and grand.
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This is complemented by Borg’s excellently executed vocal passages.
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But while these elements are essential to Divine Ascension’s sound, the real drawcard of this release is the multitude of elements it showcases. It has sorrow, aggression, is uplifting and at times haunting.

My only issue with this release is that while it is technically accomplished and masterfully executed, I’m not sure if does enough to separate itself from other releases in the genre. This can be the problem with sticking with predictability, but it might grab the attention of like-minded individuals. Suitable for those people who like a rollercoaster of a release, but still want some familiarity in what they hear.

Release Year: 2018
Label: ViciSolum Productions
Category: Album
Country: Australia

Reviewed by Liam Frost-Camilleri