Thy Dominion – Cadaver Idolatry (Album Review)

Release Date: June 26th 2023 - Vacula Productions

Thy Dominion - Cadaver Idolatry

Hailing from Uruguay four piece Thy Dominion release, Cadaver Idolatry, is only their second full-length album in their 27-year career. It perfectly captures their underground essence of deathened Black Metal, also parts speed and thrash.

From the pure metal opener Darkness Conspiracy and its touches of Teutonic thrash to the chaos of the title track with its furious percussion,  They Dominion know its way around extreme music. From Pazuzu’s blast beats and simultaneous 2/4 metal attack, their approach is tough uncompromising and openly brutal at times.

The pure guttural ness of Sargon’s vocals is matched by the razor-sharp riffing that offers no mercy yet also reflects the desolation of the human being.

An Empty Coffin is pure old-school death metal that relies on the heaviest of structures rather than technical tricks, and there is an air of savagery rather than complexity in Cadaver Idolatry that is punishing and pure in its intent. There is melody lurking in their aggression as on ‘’Shadows of Necromancy’’, yet the inevitable is real as it gets on “As the Sun Fall into the Abyss.”

Thy Dominion has delivered an album full of raw unbridled potential. Bristling with visceral energy Cadaver Idolatry is a worthy addition to the pantheon of pure extreme metal!

Thy Dominion: Facebook

Release Year: 2023
Label: Vacula Productions
Category: Album
Country: Uruguay

Reviewed by Sparky