Sweet Death Machine – In The Beginning (EP Review)

Sweet Death Machine - In The Beginning

This is the 4 track DIY debut EP from these guys and what a debut it is! Great riffage and fantastic singalong choruses. It kicks off with the galloping roller-coaster rise that is Head On which sets the tone and standard perfectly for the remaining 3 songs. Song no. 2 Keep Me High is like the uphill point of the roller coaster where things slow down ever so slightly but you know it’s not going to last very long because the twisty turns downhill bit is visible from where you are. Song no. 3 Wrong Side is this part of the roller coaster a 1 minute 53 Sec ride that will have you screaming and shouting from the adrenaline rush that it induces and lastly comes Oh Well which is the straight track end of the ride.

Singer Nicholas Von Stav certainly has a bit of Ian Astbury of the Cult in his vocal stylings which only makes me like this EP even more. After the roughly 11 and a half minutes it takes to get through the 4 tracks on offer here you are definitely left wanting to hear more. I’m told they have many more songs written which they want to record so let’s hope they see the light of day sooner rather than later.

Check www.triplejunearthed.net.au/SweetDeathMachine to find out what it is I’m talking about & start requesting their songs!!

SweetDeathMachine: Facebook

Release Year: 2013
Label: self-released
Category: EP
Country: Australia

Reviewed by Chris Xynos